8 Questions To Ask Once You’ve Built Your Photography Website To Assess Its Photography Marketing IQ

There’s a very good chance that you know how to build a photography website – they’re very easy to do these days with the advancement of technology. You’ve also probably heard that a photographer without a photography website is not taken seriously. What you may not know are key questions that will assist you to build and maintain a successful photography website.For me, it is very difficult to be objective when assessing the photography marketing effectiveness of my website. I have a great deal of trouble being objectively honest with my assessments of my websites. But, fortunately, I’m able to use a series of questions that helps me not to get sabotage by my inability of be objectively honest when assessing my website’s effectiveness.I’m a firm believer in photographers building their own websites. It’s much easier to do these days – if a photographer can send and receive email, they have enough computer skills to build and manage their own photography website. I build all of my photography websites. And, as mentioned, I’m too biased to accurately assess the photography marketing effectiveness of my photography website.Consequently, I ask myself – and answer – the following questions:

Do your pages load quickly? I never cease to be amazed at all the photography websites that have home pages that take a long time to load. Most of the times, it’s the flash type pages. Unfortunately, many of us photographers don’t realize that most web surfers don’t have computers sophisticated enough to handle all of the latest website gimmicks. The home page should load instantly – always!

Is it instantly apparent what type of photography niche your business is in? Too often, our creative artsy side blocks what should be clear messages. You should know your photography niche and communicate what that niche is on your website. Your visitor shouldn’t have to guess what it is that you do. They visit your website looking for information – not interested in guessing what it is that you do.

Is your website menu viewable and easy to navigate? Links and navigation buttons should be simple and take your visitor where they want to go. Also, a navigation menu should be on every page.

Is your website free of unnecessary gimmicks and graphics? On a personal note – when I visit a photography website and music begins to play, I click away from the site immediately – always! Because you and I might like specific music doesn’t mean that everyone likes it. Visitors go to “music” sites to “hear” music. Research companies that track web surfing habits and trends, report that most visitors leave when they come across irritants like music, pop-ups, slow-loading pages, etc.

Does your website offer valuable information? Too many website owners, especially photographers, forget that people use the internet looking for information, not looking to spend money or look at pictures. Displaying your best work on your website is preferable. But, keep in mind that new customers will find you on the internet by looking for information (typing in keywords at internet search engines). If your website doesn’t have that information (content), visitors will never find you – never! Put content on your photography website. Help your visitors find you. Do a little research about optimizing your web pages (don’t let the word optimizing intimidate you, it only means putting certain words in the content on your page) – don’t overdo it. Less is more! Always offer valuable information on your website and visitors will keep coming back.

Does your website reflect your commitment to quality? In my opinion, too many photographers confuse flashy bells & whistles with quality. The flashy bells & whistles usually only impress web designers (who build the flashy bells & whistles websites in the first place) and photographers with websites that don’t have these eight questions. Also, you should only display your best work in your galleries offline and in your online galleries. Categorize your various photos and display them together.

Would you want to do business with your photography business? This is a key question and maybe the most difficult to be honest in answering. But, your honesty is critical here.

Is your contact information easily accessible? Website visitors expect to see normal things at different websites. For example, your contact information must be available and easily accessible.
These 8 questions aren’t the only questions that will assist you to put your objective judging hat on and take a clear look at the photography marketing strength of your photography website. The questions will put your website through a process that should make it more magnetic to visitors. Sometime, the components that make out sites work aren’t as obvious to us. Give the questions to a trusted friend and ask them to help you by using them to assess the effectiveness of your website – the least internet savvy that they are, the better.Your photography website can be your most productive photography marketing tool. It doesn’t require a lot of time or money – just regular consistency. And of course, objective assessments are like taking the pulse and heart rate of your website. Keep an eye on them. It’s like keeping your website healthy and you happy!

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Which Mode of Education Will You Choose? A Traditional or an Online Education System

With time and evolvement in the technology there is a change in the education system. Now we have different modes of education i.e. the traditional education, distance learning and the online courses. All have importance of their own and all will equally help us in providing us with great level of education and also in getting better employment opportunities. The traditional mode of education is still the most popular and the most expensive among all. Distance learning is not very popular as it doesn’t give the best mode of education for the students and also lacks in the provision of knowledge. Online courses is however, getting more and more popular with each passing day and is also less expensive and, in some cases, even is free.Neglecting distance learning for this post only, we can compare the traditional and the online mode of education. A student enrolled in an online mode of education can get education from short courses to degree programs, whereas a traditional mode of education, for sure will provide every type of education to every class of student. There are online universities, colleges and other institutes providing online courses and then there are regular institutes providing education to both the traditional and the online students. The choice of education is up to the student. The student can get education through any medium and that all depends on the availability of the student.The case for a traditional mode of educationTraditional education is the oldest and the most common way of getting education and it’s also the recommended way of study for the young students. We can look at the pros and cons of this mode of education to know it better:Advantages

A one-to-one interaction between the teacher and the student. It’s easy to deliver things to the ones sitting in front of you and also easy to get for the students to understand in a better way.

The most common way of providing education.

Can choose from number of options.

The more preferable by all i.e. the students, the teachers, parents and the government also.

Education along with other facilities like: cafeterias, libraries, sport and other recreational activities.

Education is expensive, especially in institutes where the standards, quality and the system of education is on a much higher level.

Students can have to travel long distances to reach to their educational institutes and sometimes even have to move to other locations in order to get a good standard of education. This will also increase their expenses.

Not very suitable for students doing a full-time job.

Not much flexible in terms of study hours.
The case of an online mode of educationNot very new, but as compare to the traditional education mode is new. This too has its own pros and cons and these must be kept into considerations before opting any online course:Advantages

Usually cheaper than the traditional education system, as the cost is minimized to the lowest level.

A good but less effective mode of interaction between a teacher and a student.

The option to get education from any online institute, no matter how far that institute is. This will minimize the cost of travelling and other expenses.

Is more suitable for the people in full-time employment.

A vast option for online courses is available for students, seeking education through the online mode.

Flexibility in the study hours.

Students are unable to get the facility of any recreational and sports activities, a traditional student can get.

As this mode requires an internet connection and a computer system, and these are meant to be effected by any natural or unnatural cause, their education can be affected badly.

Not preferable by everyone and is not very effective as compared to the traditional mode of education.

Although, vast online courses are available but still there is a limitation on this. You can’t become a practicing surgeon or a doctor through getting education by this mode of education.
This is just a short review on the traditional and the online mode of education system, a much vast comparison can be made and then the conclusion can be made in choosing the best education system. Each of these systems have their own benefits and drawbacks and that too will differ for every type of education seeker.

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A Guide to Help You Pick the Best Air Purifier for Your Loved Ones

Holidays are around the corner. This is the time of year when people start purchasing gifts for their loved ones. If you are going to purchase an air purifier for someone you love, we have some helpful tips for you. If you want to purchase the best unit, you may be able to use this guide to your advantage. Read on to find out more.

1: Set Your Budget

Just like anything you purchase, make sure you have set your budget first. The price of the unit will vary based on a lot of factors, such as the capacity, filter type, features, and brand of the unit. If you don’t have a flexible budget, we suggest that you go for a product that is available to purchase for less than $300.

2: Consider the Needs of the Recipient

Your next move is to consider the needs of your recipient. If you are going to purchase this unit for everyday use, we suggest that you go for a unit that comes with a HEPA filter. On the other hand, if your loved one has a specific need, we suggest that you consider a specialized unit.

For example, if they are more prone to respiratory issues, such as allergies and infections, we suggest that you get a UV purifier for them. The devices are designed to neutralize viruses and bacteria.

3: Think About the Available Space

Another primary factor is to consider the available space in the office or house of the recipient. For example, if they need a general-purpose unit for a small apartment, you may want to consider a filterless unit.

On the other hand, if they have plenty of free space, you may consider a bigger unit that features a higher airflow rating. These units are powerful enough to cover a large face.

4: Consider Extra Features

Lastly, we suggest that you consider additional features that they will just love. For example, some units come with an indicator that turns on when the filter needs to be replaced. This will allow the user to change the filter so that the device continues to work properly.

So, you may want to consider these features before you place your order. These features may not be important to you, but your friend may just be over the moon.

Long story short, we suggest that you consider these four tips if you are going to purchase a gift for your loved one on these holidays. Since the air is full of pollution during winter days, nothing can make a better gift than an air purifier. Therefore, you should consider these tips before looking for an online or physical store to make your purchase decision.

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